mercoledì 2 aprile 2014


Queste foto rivelano uno dei posti più incontaminati al mondo. E ora voglio andarci a vivere!

L ‘Olympic National Park di Washington è un paradiso per amanti della natura, escursionisti e avventurieri. Offre le spiagge dell’Oceano Pacifico, le valli foresta pluviale, cime innevate e ghiacciai e una varietà immensa  di piante e animali.
Il 95% di questo parco è ancora selvaggio, avete capito bene, il 95 %!!
Proprio per queste sue caratteristiche si tratta di un posto bellissimo ma allo stesso tempo delicato, è importante che  la sua natura selvaggia e la sua immensità vengano preservate e protette.
Questi sono solo alcuni dei luoghi meravigliosi che si possono visitare in questo parco, è davvero maestoso.
Olympic National Park - Maple Glade Trail
Olympic National Park
Olympic National Park - Hoh Valley - Hall of Mosses Trail, Hemlocks growi
Heart Lake Olympic National Park
Maples in Olympic National Park's Hoh Rain Forest

Sol Duc Falls - looks like the Garden of Eden
Enchanted Valley, Olympic National Park
Olympic National Park trees and roots in Hoh Rain Forest
Road leading up to Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park
Rafting Class II+ whitewater river, Olympic Raft and Kayak - Elwha River
Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
Maple leaves and sword fern cover the ground. Near the midpoint of the Hall of Mosses Trail near the Hoh Rain Forest Visitor Center
Downed cypress and child at Olympic National Park
Big Cedar Tree, (tiny girl) Olympic National Park
mountain lakes, olympic national park
The largest known Western Redcedar, in the world
Coarse woody debris in Olympic National Park mountain stream
Sol Duc Falls, a waterfall in Olympic National Park
Hoh Rain Forest, Olympic National Park, Washington State
Ruby Beach in dem Olympic National Park, Bundesstaat Washington, USA
Ruby Beach, WA, in Olympic National Park
The Kalaloch Cedar in the Olympic National Park, with a dbh of 599 (19,6 ft) cm and wood volume of 350 cubic meters (12,270 cu ft)
Trees, texture and fog Pacific Northwest Olympic National Park
Lake Crescent Olympic National Park
Olympic National Park - Hoh Valley - Hall of Mosses Trail
Coast Range Subalpine Fir groves in meadow. About 0.1 km north of Point 5471' near the Klahhane Ridge Trail-Meadow Loop Trails junction and close to the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center
Olympic National Park Forest on Hoh River Trail
Spruce Nature Trail about 0.1 km from the Hoh Rain Forest Visitor Center
A herd of elk cross the Hoh River on the western side of the Olympic National Park in Washington state
Mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) on Olympic National Park Switchback Trail to Klahhane Ridge
Columbian Black-tailed Deer, Coast Deer male At Olympic National Park
Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park Forest, Washington
Fantastic Fall scene at Olympic National Park
Hurricane Ridge
Pacific Ocean from Olympic National Park coastline
Sun @ Rialto Beach Olympic National park WA, USA
Bellissimo vero?

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